среда, 20 июня 2012 г.

Слухи льются рекой! описания психосил и чутка по механике

HQ's can challenge in single combat,

Jump packs get to re-roll charge rolls, Jet packs get to "scoot" up to 2D6" away in the assault phase,

Rage is +2 attacks on the charge

Dreadnoughts have 3 Hull points, Soul grinder, Ghost Arks and Land raiders have 4,

Land Speeders get Jink for a +5 cover save or 4+ if flat out,

There's a pic of a Beastman Imperial Guardsman "A type of abhuman designated Homo Sapien varatius in the rulebook's appendix,

Snipers can select targets if they roll a 6 to hit,

Gauss weapons remove a hull point on a hit of a 6, tesla works with the overwatch (needing 6's to hit at BS1) nicely (any sixes to hit are 2 hits),

Some Psychic powers marked as number 6 on what I would assume is a random table (looking at a picture of the cards all fanned out, can only see the top card)

Discipline of Biomancy - Haemorrage, warp charge 1, range 12". Haemorrage is a Focused witchfire power with a range of 12". The Target must pass a toughness test or suffer a wound with no armour saves or cover saves allowed. If the target is slain randomly select another model (friend or foe) within 2" of him. That model must pass a toughness test or suffer a wound with no armour or cover saves allowed. If that model dies, continue the process until a model survives or there are no suitable targets within range.

Discipline of Divination - Scrier's Gaze, Warp charge 1. Scrier's Gaze is a Blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, you can roll 3 dice and choose the result you want when rolling for reserves, outflank or mysterious terrain.

Discipline of Pyromancy - Molten Beam, warp charge 2, range 12". Molten beam is a Beam with the following profile - S8 AP1 Assault, melta

Discipline of Telekinesis - Vortex of Doom, warp charge 2, range 12". Vortex of doom is a Witchfire power with the following profile - S10 AP1, Heavy1, Blast* *If the psychic test is failed centre the template on the psyker, it does not scatter.

Discipline of Telepathy - Hallucination, warp charge 2, range 24". Hallucination is a Malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24". Roll immediately to determine the manner of hallucinations the target is suffering from (roll once for the whole unit)
d6 1-2 - Unit is pinned, unless it automatically passes pinning tests or is locked in close combat, in which case there is no effect.
3-4 - The unit cannot shoot, run, declare charges or strike blows in close combat whilst the power is in effect.
5-6 - Every Model in the unit immediately inflicts a single hit on it's own unit, resolved at that models own strengths, but using the strength bonuses, AP values and special rules of the most powerful close combat weapons (if they have any)

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