воскресенье, 24 июня 2012 г.


Аццкая форджовая машина с счетверенными лазками. Энжой! Линк на предзаказ

 An armoured transport of truly massive proportions, the Spartan is a heavy assault tank previously all but unknown outside of the revered Space Marine Chapters and the secretive Adeptus Mechanicus. The Spartan is a huge armoured conveyer whose purpose is to carry a large body of troops into the very heart of an enemy’s battle lines, weathering weapons fire that would be the death of any lesser vehicle.

Its design bears clear connections with that of the mighty Land Raider, and its genius is such that the greater proportion of its interior space is given over to a transport capacity greater than any other Imperial vehicle save the super-heavy Gorgons – being capable of carrying twenty-five power armoured Space Marines into battle. It is, however, considerably faster on the battlefield thanks to potent reactor-driven motive drives, and it boasts an equally potent armament in the form of sponson-mounted quad lascannon batteries and secondary heavy bolters.

The Spartan Assault Tank, model designed by Phil Stutcinskas, is an enormous multi-part resin kit that features a detailed interior. Experimental rules to allow this armoured behemoth to be fielded in games of Warhammer 40,000 will be available to download soon. The Spartan itself can be pre-ordered for despatch from Friday 29th June.

Суммари по 6 редакции

Core System

- Change to Pre-Measure like WHFB 8th Edition.
- Force Organization Chart is still in use, no use of Percentage
- Adding new FoC Slot called "Fortification" [0-1] / see below
- Phases remains the same, Movement, Shooting, and then Assault
- No Psychic Phase
- No Initiative Phase

Movement Phase
- Movement is pretty much the same. Infantry can move 6", Jump Infantry 12" and so on.

Shooting Phase
- Rapid Fire weapons can now fire at target 24" away irregardless of moving or not. (or choose to fire twice at target 12" away)
- Pistol is pretty much the same.
- New Weapon type "Salvo" - firing at max. range & max. shots if not move, or 1/2 range and 1/2 shots if moving.
- Heavy Weapon can now be fired on the move, but will be subjected to 'snap fire' rule.
- "Snap Fire" allows certain weapon types to shoot even if moving, but with a BS of 1 (ie. 6 to hit)
- Blast Weapons cannot "snap fire"
- You can only killed as much models in target unit as you can actually see (and within max range).
- Casualties are now removed from closest to furthest.
- Wound Allocation is completely changed.
- When shooting at unit partially in cover, player can choose to "Focus Fire" to kill only models in the open (or in a less covered position).
- You can now throw (most) grenades in the Shooting Phase at the range of 8", limited to 1 grenade per unit per Phase.

Assault Phase
- Charge Distance is now 2D6" adding together.
- Unit can elect to "Overwatch" if being assaulted. Simply a "Stand and Shoot 40K version" - resolved at BS1, Template does D3 hit instead.
- Overwatch can be done only once per turn.
- Unit declaring multiple assaults will suffer from "Disoriented Charge" (not get +1A)
- Unit assaulting multiple enemy unit is subjected to multiple Overwatch.
- Unlike Stand & Shoot, Overwatch does NOT cause Morale Check or Pinning.
- Pile-in reduced to 3" and is done at the model's Initiative Step (ie. before the model could strike)
- Casualties are removed from the front rank, like the case of Shooting Phase
- Units can elect to auto-fail Morale Check at the end of Combat if all models in the unit cannot hurt the attacker at all (ie. S3 vs T10).
- Challenges are in for IC.
- Close-Combat Weapon now have AP value, ranging from AP- to AP1. Pistols don't grant more bonus than in 5th Edition.
- Power SWORD and Lightning Claws are "S: as user" AP3, though Power AXE is S+1, AP2, but is subjected to penalties (Initiative Reduced)
- Fists and Chainfists are Sx2 AP2 and Unwieldy (Intiative reduced to 1), Thunder Hammers has "Concussive" (the exact (or almost) same rules as in 5th Edition)

- Vehicles are now limited to move at the maximum of 12" in the Movement Phase (though it can move further in the Shooting Phase if desired)
- Vehicles can opt to move "Flat Out" in the Shooting Phase, adding an extra 6".
- Vehicles movement and weapons. Defensive and Primary Weapons are gone. You can fire all of your weapons at most of the time. But moving faster will result in less weapon fired at basic BS, the rest will be fired at BS1 (Snap Fire)
- Fast Skimmer moving Flat Out can be more lethal (fire more weapons than in 5th and moving faster [12" Normal + 18" Flat Out])
- Skimmer got a cover save called Jink, basically 5+ cover save and improved to 4+ if going Flat Out.
- Vehicles count as WS0 (auto-hit) if stationary and WS1 (3+ hit) if moved. No idea on how Fast or Skimmer will have bonus, as cover aren't used in Assault.
- Flyers are now in, with its own rules.
- Flyers can move very fast and is hard to target (6 only to hit) unless the shooter has Skystrike rules that allow them to shoot flyer at normal BS.
- When moving fast (called "Zooming") Flyers cannot move less than 12" and cannot disembark any models.

Vehicle and Damage
- New Vehicle Damage Chart, one to rule them all. 1-2 being Shaken, 3 Stunned, 4 and 5 Weapon Destroyed and Immobilised, and 6 Explodes! You only roll the table if the shot penetrate the Armour. Wrecks occur only from taking certain amount of Glancing Hits.
- AP 2 weapons add +1 to the chart, while AP1 adds +2.
- AP"-" is no longer -1 on the table.
- Open-Topped is +1 as well.
- No more "Half Strength if the center hole is off", you always use full strength for any blast that hits the vehicle.
- Hull Points - a new style "wound" for vehicles. Any Glancing Hits removes 1 Hull Point, Penetrate Hit removes 1 Hull Point as well as rolling on the Damage Chart above. If reduced to 0 HP, the vehicle becomes Wreck.
- Vehicles has 3 or 4 HP, notable 4 HP vehicles are Ghost Ark, Land Raider, and Monolith. Details can be found in the rulebook appendix. (Bloodwing stated that some player propose that the formula for Hull Points is Front + Side(once) + Rear divide by 3. Fractions rounding down - this seems to be true.

Vehicle and Passenger
- Passenger can only disembark if vehicle move 0-6".
- Disembarking rules changes, you now place models in base contact with the access point and move up to 6" - this is the furthest distance the unit may move.
- Embarking is pretty much the same.
- Unit count as moving if the vehicle moved 0.1-6", and can only "Snap Fire" if the vehicle move 6.01 - 12"
- Open-topped transport rules are the same (access points and fire points)
- Exploding Flyer that has "zoomed" will result in a S10 no armour save on its passenger. And some sort of S6 Large Blast at any unit under the point the vehicle goes on flame.

Psychic Power
- NO PSYCHIC PHASE (or whatever people are assuming they are)
- Perils of the Warp causes one wound, no saves of any kind allowed.
- Types of psychic power, witchfire (psychic shooting attack), focused witchfire (has a chance to allow player to choose the target model when removing casualty by rolling low scores on Psychic Test), nova (affects all enemy units within range), maelstrom (affecting both friendly and enemy within range), blessing (augmented friend), and malediction (de-buff enemy).
- "Deny the Witch" - every models/units have a slight chance to nullify the effect of psychic power (6+). Chances increase if your unit has Psyker.
- Psychic Hood is reduced to 4+ Deny the Witch if the target of the power is within 6" of the wearer.
- There are 5 new Disciplines of Psychic Powers in the BRB, each has 7 Powers. Each army can access different Disciplines, some cannot use them at all.
- Casting Psychic Power remains the same as in 5th.
- Psychic Powers now have 2 level, calling Warp Charge 1 and 2. Mastery Level 1 can only use Warp Charge 1 power, while Mastery Level 2 allows you to cast 2 "Warp Charge 1" power or 1 "Warp Charge 2". Higher Mastery allows for more.
- Each Psyker generate Warp Charge equal to his Mastery Level.

- Look Out, Sir! is in. Grants character 50% chance to evade the attack if he's within 6" of friendly unit (works in combat too), resolved each successful Look Out Sir on the models within 6" instead.
- Look Out Sir! is improved to 2+ for Independent Character.
- Character can issue / accept challenges.
- One model in your army will be the Warlord (one with highest LD), Warlord can roll on a table (there's 3 table, you can choose 1) to see what benefit he receive. Examples are units within 12" can use his LD, the Character count as Scoring Units, Warlord has FNP if within 3" of Objective.

- Fortification - a new addition to the FoC, limited to 0-1 this allows player to purchase some kind of terrain for their army. Expensive one are Fortress of Redemption (220 points) and cheap ones are Aegis Defence Lines (50 points)
- Allies - a new system that allows player to have a detachment made of another army in the list. Allies works like WFB8th Edition with best buddies, normal allies, and untrusted. The detachment is limited to 1HQ and 1 Troop(compulsory) and additional 1 Troop, 1 Elite, 1 Fast Attack, and 1 Heavy Support.

- There are 3 Deployment Types, one being the classic Pitched Battle, second one is reversed Pitched Battle (deploying along the short table edges), and third one is a triangular deployment.
- Selecting deployment zone remains the same, roll-off to see who deploys first and go first.
- Seize Initiative is still the same.
- 6 Missions with 2 Level Objectives. Primary Objectives grants more Victory Points, but harder to achieve. Secondary Objective is always 1 VP and has 3 of them. First Blood (for getting the first "kill point", Slay the Warlord (for killing the enemy Warlord - aka. general), and Linebreaker (having your units in enemy deployment zone at the end of the game)
- Deep Strike Mishap is softened now: 1 - You're Dead, 2-3 Misplaced, and 4-6 Delayed.
- Feel No Pain dropped to 5+
- There's still only 1 Level of Instant Death, no Instant Death(x)
- Fleet allows for re-rolls on Run and possibly Assault distances.
- "Hammer of Wrath" allows model to make single attack at their base strength before combat on the turn it assault. Jump Infantry and Bike have it.
- Monstrous Creature can make "Smash" attack, forfeit half of its attack to resolve attack at Sx2 against vehicle.
- Flying Monstrous Creature can make two mode of movement. One being 24" move, performing D3+1 "Vector Strike" on a single unit within the path and then shoot up to two weapons or run 2D6" in the shooting phase. However, it cannot assault or being assaulted unless it get shot and fall down from the sky first (can't remember how you fire at it, 6 only?) Should it fall from the sky, it will take S9 hit and can now be assaulted as normal.
- Sniper has rule to allow them to allocate wounds to the model of your choice if you roll a 6 when rolling to hit.
- Rage is now +2 Attack on assault.
- Many new generalization of rules...such as Armourbane (roll 2d6 for armour penetration) and Fleshbane (2+ to wound)....this also expands to weapons as well (unwieldy, concussive, etc.)

пятница, 22 июня 2012 г.

Фотка нового ВД и описание впечатлений читавшего

Well well well, look what I've managed to get my grubby mitts on :D

Quick rundown:

The new books look beautiful, full colour and the various photos of the pages throughout the magazine look really nice, can't wait to get my copy.  As you have probably guessed the front of the magazine is very product heavy.

There is a very basic overview of how the new rules will influence each army, looks like even Tau get a boost ;)

Two battle reports one involving the flyers and the other is Imperial Guard/Grey Knights vs Chaos Space Marines/Daemons.  I'm looking forward to reading this as it showcases the much rumoured allies.  The game is 2500pts with around 1750 spent on the main armies and 750pts spent on allies.  Interesting things I've noticed are that allies use a small foc and it appears that fortifications are purchased with the ally points allocation, a bastion with quad laser is 125pts.

There is an article giving brief details of what psychic disciplines each army can take and how many powers their psykers can take.  Powers from codices are still usable but unfotunately you can't mix and match, you either take codex powers or use new powers.  Most psykers can take 1 or 2 powers, extremely powerful psykers can take 3, Eldrad can take 4! He is such a fucking dick... ;)

The main batrep keeps score with Victory Points so it looks like Killpoints are a thing of the past, looks like my 60pt Dire Avenger squad will no longer be worth as many points as a fucking Land Raider...Yay :D

There is a large 8 page article giving an overview to the main rule changes, I haven't had chance to read this yet.

Objectives give different amounts of victory points depending on whether they are a primary or secondary objective.

Battle scenarios have primary and secondary missions.

Before the game you nominate a HQ as your 'Warlord', this model then gets to roll on one of three warlord trait tables, these are - Command, Personal and Strategic.

Hammer of Wrath - Allows Jump Troops to use their mass to deal damage as they land on their enemies.

Overwatch - Allows a free round of shooting if charged by an enemy but with bs1.

Update 2!

Missions -  There seems to be a main mission table that you roll for and then the scenario has seconday missions.  Different missions have effects on the game such as making fast attack choices scoring - Is this GW's way of stopping spam?

Warlord Trait - Command traits has Inspiring Presence which means units within 12" of your warlord can use their leadership.

Warlord Trait - Personal traits has Immovable Object which means the warlord can capture objectives.

New Rule - Interceptor, this gives the ability to shoot at units as they arrive from reserve.

New Rule - Skyfire, this allows the unit to fire at flyers at the models bs instead of bs1.

Sqns - Models in a sqn do not block each others los.

Mysterious Terrain - Archeotech Artefact, when this is discovered every psyker on the board suffers D3 S3 AP2 hits.

Update 3!

New Deployment - Hammer and Anvil, game is played along the long edge of the table (No more putting people by the radiator for Mercer!)

Secondary Mission - First Blood, first to kill an enemy unit gains a victory point.

New Rule - Flyers always arrive from reserve.

Flyers have to engage hover mode to allow units to disembark.  While hovering flyers are counted as a fast skimmer.

New Rule - Multiple Assault, you can charge seperate units but you lose the +1 attack for charging (Fire Dragons say hello to static gunlines!).

If a flyer is shot down units on board take a S10 hit.

Update 4!

Aegis Defence Lines grant a 4+ cover save but add +2 if you go to ground behind them.

New Rule - Overwatch, when a squad is charged they can fire at the assaulting unit but they fire at bs1.

Update 5!
Rule Change - Fleet allows you to re-roll the 2d6 charge roll.

Terrain - Imperial Statues, armies of the imperium within 2" of an imperial statue are fearless.

Terrain - Fuel Tanks, grant a 5+ cover save, every time the fuel tank grants a cover save roll a D6, on a 1 the fuel tank explodes causing a S3 hit.

Terrain - Impact Craters, these grant a 5+ cover save.

Update 6!

Overwatch - Flamers cause D3 automatic hits when firing on overwatch.

New Rule - Snapfire, when stunned Dreadnoughts (possibly all walkers/vehicles) can snapfire at bs1.

New Rule - Ongoing Reserves, flyers can leave the board and be placed back in reserve, they then roll their reserve roll as normal.

Flyers - If a flyer is destroyed the wreckage can land on top of units and cause damage.

And that my friends is that, White Dwarf has been an interesting, if a little vague, read this month.  It has done its job in getting me hyped for 6th :D

Психосилы из сканов ВД

четверг, 21 июня 2012 г.

Описание психосил 6 редакции

Psyhic Power Cards
Smite Range 12" - is a Witchfire
Iron Arm -something about Toughness
Enfeeble within 24" - suffers a -1, treats all terrain
Endurance within 24" - gains the Fe (Feel no Pain?), special rule
Life Leech Range 12" - If Life Leech, immediately, to his starting
Warp Speed - Attacks (Roll
6. Haemorrhage - Haemorrhage is a focussed witchfire power with a range of 12". The target must pass a Toughness test or suffer a Wound with no armour or cover save allowed. If the target is slain, randomly select another model (friend or foe) within 2" of him. That model must pass a Toughness test or suffer a Wound with no armour or cover saves allowed. If that model dies, continue the process until a model survives or there are no suitable targets within range.

Prescience - within 12, can reroll
Foreboding - this power is, Counter-attack, full Ballistic, this does not, Overwatch
Forewarning - within 12", a 4+ invulnerable
Endurance from Biomancy listed....
Perfect Timing - have the Ig
Precognition - Hit and To Wound
6. Scrier's Gaze - Scrier's Gaze is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, you can roll three dice and chose the result you want when rolling for Reserves, Outflank and mysterious terrain.

Flame Breath - Template
Fiery Form - +2 strength, Blaze special
Fire Shield - within 24"
Inferno - Range 24"
4. Spontaneous Combustion
Sunburst - Range 6
6. Molten Beam - is a beam with the following profile Range 12" S8 AP1 Assault 1, Melta

Assail - Range 18"
Crush - is a f, Roll 2D6, equal to the, automatically, automatic, of a separate
Gaze of Infinity - 24", Deep Strike
3. Objuration - a single enemy, rolls a 6, squadron)., with the H, for each).
Shockwave - Range 12"
Telekine Dome - within 12", invulnerable, power is in effect, AP equal
6. Vortex of Doom - is a witchfire power with the following profile: Range 12" S10 AP1 Heavy 1, Blast* If, when using this power, the Psyker fails his Psyhick test, centre the Vortex of Doom blast marker on the Psyker - in this case, the template does not scatter.

Psyhic Shriek - Roll 3D6, unit suffers, Armour and, caused by
Dominte - within 24", must pass a, shoot, Run, action is fo
Mental Fort(ification) - unit within, regroups
Puppet Master - of 24", as if it was, the Psyker, players control
Terrify - is a malediction, unit within, the Fearless, having the, Furthermore
Invisibility - within 24", Stealth special, gain no benefit, don't see it, Skill 1
6. Hallucination - is a malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24". Roll immediately to determine the manner of hallucinations the target is suffering from (roll once for the whole unit).
D6 Result
1-2 Bugs! I Hate Bugs! Something unspeakable has gotten under the victims armour and has begun to crawl around. The unit is automatically Pinned, unless it would normally automatically pass Pinning tests or is locked in close combat, in which case there is no effect.
3-4 Ermmm? All sense of urgency is lost, and the befuddled warrior just stare listlessly into space. The unit cannot shoot, Run, declare charges or strike blows in close combat whilst the power is in effect.
5-6 You! You're a Traitor! Paranoia set in and the panicked warriors lash out at thei comrades. Every model in the unit immediately inflicts a single hit on his own unit, resolved at that model's own Strengths, but using the Strength bonuses, AP values and special rules of their most powerful close combat weapons (if they have any).

 Codex: Blood Angels
A BA Lib (inc Mephiston) may use the psychic disciplines found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, instead of those in Codex: Blood Angels. If he does so, generate two new powers from the Biomancy, Divination, Telepathy or Telekinesis disciplines (in any combination) before armies are deployed.

Codex: Chaos Space Marines
Any model with psychic powers may use the psychic disciplines found in the 40K rulebook, instead of those in Codex: CSM. If he does so, for each psychic power he has purchased from Codex:CSM, generate a new power from the Pyromancy, Telekinesis or Telepathy discipline before armies are deployed. A model can generate powers from different disciplines if you wish. Typhus generates two new powers. Ahriman generates three.

Codex: Dark Angels
A DA Lib (inc Ezekiel) may use the psychic disciplines found in the 40k rulebook. Generate 2 new powers from Div, Pyro, Telepathy or Telekinesis.

Codex: Eldar
Farseer (inc Eldrad), for each power bought, generate a new power from Div or Telepathy. Eldrad generates 4.

Codex: GK
A GK Lib (no mentions of anyone else), generate a number of powers equal to mastery level from Div, Pyro or Telekinesis. If he does so he may not purchase additional powers. Hammerhand cannot be exchanged in this manner.
An Inquisitor with Mastery 1 can generate 1 power from Div, Pyro or Telekinesis.
Coteaz can generate 2 powers from Div, Pyro or Telekinesis.

Codex: IG
Primaris Psyker, generate 2 new powers from Bio, Pyro, Telepathy or Telekinesis.

Codex: SM
SM Lib (inc Tigurius), generate 2 powers from Bio, Pyro, Telepathy or Telekinesis. Tigurius generates 3.

Codex: SW
Rune Priest (inc Njal), generate 2 powers from Bio, Div or Telekinesis

Codex: Tyranids
Any model with psychic powers, for each psychic power it has, including those purchased, generate a new power from either Bio, Telekinses or Telepathy. (I'm glad they dont have Pyromancy as 3 Zoanthropes casting Molten Beam would be real nasty).

Туда же

via General Chips
Courtesy of a friend from Games Workshop who has spent time with the Warhammer 40k 6th Edition rulebook. We (manager of my LGS) sent him a list of questions and these were his answers. Alot of IDK's, but some good stuff in there too.

Did the Force Org chart change?
No, the force org has not changed. It is still 1 HQ and 2 Troops. 3 Fast Attack, 3 Elites, 3 Heavy Support. Although, allies allows you in certain situati...ons to to add an HQ from another army and 1 Troop. You also, once you have satisfied the minimums can take 1 Fast, 1 Elite and 1 Heavy for you allies also. After your list is 2,000 pts, it appears you can double the Force Org chart. So up to four HQ with allies.

Is there pre-measuring for actions? (which ones?)
Pre-measure anytime and anywhere.

Cover Save for: Buildings, Ruins, Area Terrain (trees and whatnot)?
Cover saves seem less forgiving. I would expect less, I know being in woods or trees is now 5+. Also, if you have (Example) 4 guys that are not in terrain. I, being the shooting player, can target just those guys that are not in cover. I have no opportunity to kill the guys in cover although. Interesting.

What is the assault / charge distance?

Do vehicles have hull points?

How are psychic powers determined?
Leadership tests, everyone can attempt to nullify a psychic power.

Is 'overwatch' (like Necromunda) in the rules - how does it work?
Snap Shot is the rule. Any unit being charged can make a snap shot at BS 1. They use the full profile of the weapon. You can also use snapshot offensively, that meaning my tactical squad even if I move, I can shoot my Lascannon at BS 1. No template weapons, tanks benefit from this rule.

Is there a defensive fire mechanic (snapfire) for units being assaulted in the rules - how does it work?
See above.

Will you declare and move types (like assault and/or run) in the move phase ala fantasy?

how will fleet usr work, especially if run is removed?
Run is not removed. Fleet means you can re-roll you run or re-roll one of the D6 to charge.

Are flyers hit on 6's with shooting weapons and if true are there ways to mitigate that?
Flyers are hit on 6's if they perform a Zoom maneuver.

Details on how allies will work? Will it be on a codex by codex basis (eg CSM codex is rumored to allow IG and Chaos Demons via allies), with very specific unit allowances, more generic FOC based like the old demonhunter and witchhunter rules or fairly open ended anything goes.

There are three categories of allies. Lots of potential, I am not sure of the chart off the top of my head. CSM do get traitor guard, I also believe Demons. Tau have SM and Eldar. Lots of other arrangements. Tyranids get no one....but lots of Monstrous creature special rules added for their pleasure. Stomp, Impact Hits etc.

Psychic defense and abilities for armies without psychers? Rumor that all units get a 6+ save against psychic powers. Another rumor that their might be ways for Tau etc to get psychers.
I believe everyone will have access to some sort of psyker. 6+ is true for everyone.

Whats the effect on embarked units when transport is damaged, wrecked, penned etc. Can they more easily go about their business like 5ed, or entagled like 4ed, or something in between.
Similar, not sure. Much harder to blow up vehicles. Vehicle Damage chart has change as well as Deep Strike Mishap has changed.

Affect of being open topped (good and bad)
Not sure, I believe it is the similar

How will reserves work in the standard missions? Still always an option? Updates to determining when units arrive? Outflanking updated or same?
Normally it seems

Can you assault after deepstrike?

Changes to how units fire out of a vehicle (like say if it moves can only one model fire, is their range reduced, do they gain relentless)
None that I noticed

Assault weapons work different now? Can you still shoot and assault or ill they get some sort of ability to fire or affect on the charge?
I believe this is the same.

Брекинг ньюс- 6 эдишн!

More stuff from the white dwarf dreadnoughts have the Hammer of Wrath rule when they charge.
Grenades can be thrown two seperate instances they mention this frag and krak. One example was a space marine captain throwing a krak grenade to finish off an Ork truck Sweet!!!! There is look out special rule one example says that a nob leading orks only got a 4+ due to not being an independent character. I suppose that ind characters will get a 2+ rule let's you transfer wounds to another model helpfully for keeping upgrade sergeants nobs etc alive.
Flyers hit each other on normal ballistic skill
Flyers must be in hover mode then count as fast skimmer to unload troops then hit on normal ballistic skill.
Fliers get a 5+ evade when shot at by other flyers example given has Ork fighter pull out of battle for a turn then automatically comes back next turn no reserves roll.
Troops in a transport that is flying and is shot out of sky all take a strength 10 hit no saves allowed wow but makes sense really.
Mentions a land raider being a beast can fire one weapon at combat speed then another due to machine spirit then says and can snap fire the assault cannon and pintle multi Melta unsure if this as bs1 like over watch
When charging multiple units you lose your bonus attack for charging and both units can over watch fire at you.
Overwatch shooting a flamer gives you d3 automatic hits cool.
An example says the entire daemon army causes fear
I know it has been mentioned before but terminators gave example of only having their armor beaten by power fists , axes ... At the risk of getting shouted out by the eldar banshees are no good anymore crowd I like the idea power weapons now ap3 mind you it does not say that but this implies something of the sort. Termies die to weight of fire and with rapid firing on the move at max range looks like there will be no shortage of that. Power weapons will still kill power armor that is heavy infantry. Ducks projectiles
Gives example of dreadnought being stunned so can only snap fire needing 6's to hit
Closest models die first
Buy terrain fortifications fortress of redemption in the 220's bastion in the 120's can upgrade with guns o comms array

среда, 20 июня 2012 г.

Свежие сплетни о 6-й редакции.

We have some early information on rules and 6th edition in general taken out of the latest White Dwarf. This is a sneak peak into some of the stuff that everyone will start seeing tomorrow and over the next few days.

Some reports are conflicting on some of the details that we have heard throughout the internet, however these are collected directly out of the White Dwarf, from different articles, battle reports, army presentation, and an introductory article regarding the goals of 6th edition

the rulebook itself
- full of fluff and coverage for things that werent coverec a lot in the past
- the goal is to make the game more "cinematic"
- end of rulebook is an overview of all weapons, powers , hull points, psi powers and more fluff (how to treat laswounds on the battlefield)

general rules
- charge range (going into cc) is 2d6, jumppacks seem to enable you to REROLL it ( or it is a special rule thing, might be BA exclusive)
- wound allocation to the closest miniatures in the unit. no info if wound groups are removed
- i might have misunderstood it but : every model counts as an individual now(like in lord of the rings?) would explain the new wound allocation.
- FOC has been EXPANDED for allies, this would mean that its still foc, not percentages
- vehicle squadrons also improve shooting -> line of sight related
- there will be many rules to bring "movie-like action scenes" to the tabletop

- "defensive fire" and "snap fire" are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT things!
- "defensive fire" "additional shooting phase" for assaulted units at bs 1. NO(!!!) mention of restrictions regarding WHAT WEAPONS can be fired. the usual restrictions should apply regarding flamethrowers (no usage if own model is in line of fire)

- "snap fire" shooting after movement and hitting on a 6, lascannons (and thus all HWs) can do it. land raiders can move 6" and shoot all weapons (1 normal, 1 via machine spirit and 2 snapshots with multi-melta and storm cannon) and a stunned cybot snap fired with a

multi-melta in one of the battle reports

hull points
- cybots have 3 hull points like "battle tanks"
- land raiders, soul grinders, ghost arc have 4

- rage is renamed to berserk : +2 attacks in melee
- smash for jumpers --> going into cc directly
- monstrous creatures can halve their attacks but double the strength
- flying monstrous creatures get their ability too, flying 24", ignoring all weapons but anti-air ones and hit enemies they flew over with (str + w3 + 1)
- "GRENADE!" the unit mentioned is a sargeant throwing a grenade and destroying the enemy unit - no further info.
- "evasive manouvers" for landspeeders : +5 cover save normal +4 when boosting and at max. velocity
- forebarence : eldar runeprophets have it - usual bf for defensive fire
- grey knights scriptors can get mastery grade 3
- warlord traits can be passed to psykers (might be only related to GKs)
- sharpshooters can choose what target they hit on a 6 (necron eliminators)
- rapid fire weapons still shoot max distance after moving (possibly even the full amount of shots!)
- tesla weapons get an additional hit when throwing a 6 on the to-hit throws
- gauss weapons remove 1 hull point on a 6 at pen throws
- tau battle suits can fall back 2d6 in the melee phase
- apparently you can bodyguard all special characters (non independent ones on a +4)

- psi matrix +4 save for psi resistance on 6"
- power axe or powerfist needed to deny 2+ armor throws so they're either ap 1 or ap 2 or both ap 1 or ap 2

independent characters
- character models can - under certain circumstances - pick their target individually
- duelling like in warhammer
- "there are many possibilities for unknown heroes to gain fame and honor" possible hints to even more things to make the game more "cinematic" ?
- Warlords roll on a trait table (leadership, combat, tactics)

flyers :
- always come in as reserves
- some weapons have the "anti air" special rule
- hard to hit when flying at max distance
- fly on 2 "levels" far above ground (cant let passengers exit, but is only hittable by anti-air weaponry) and closer to the ground (easier to hit but can load out passengers)
- destroying a flyer results in debris hitting the battlefield, damaging units

terrain and battlefield itself
- mysterious forest like in warhammer - random properties when entering
- ruins are difficult terrain, +4 cover save
- thick bushes +5 cover save and difficult terrain
- imperial statue provide fearless to imperial armies in 2" (sob, sm and ig)
- fuel barrels etc +5 cover save, if it passes d6 --> 1 barrel explodes and does s3 to surrounding units
- fortress of redemption --> 220 pts
- craters +5 cover save
- modifiers for the whole battlefield like : higher or lower gravity, poisonous atmospheres
- usable ruins, artifacts that can turn the tide of battle

buildings :
- go into the deployment zone
- skyshield landing platform : arrival of reserves can be controlled
- buildings can be upgraded - communications relais and anti-air weaponry
- bastions have av 14
- tank blockers are impassable for vehicles, dangerous terrain for bikes. provide +4 cover save
- aegis defence lines provide a +4 cover save and +1 when going to ground

missions :
- six "bloody encounters" with different goals and/or objectives : "explore and hold"
-some objectives have special abilites (aiming systems, gravity wave generator) or are, for example mined (random properties?),
- some missions make certain units scoring , fast attack units or even vehicles ("big guns never rest") but turn them into 1 "win-point" when killed/destroyed
- three secondary objectives : kill the warlord , first blood, breakthrough (invading the enemies deployment zone), each is worth 1 "win-point"
- rulebook section with scenarios to inspire the players to develop their own campains and missions

allies :
- appearantly needed is 1 hq + 1 stan.

Psi :
- the chart tells us if you can take the rulebooks psi-abilities or only the ones from your codex

Extra Info:
paultwilsons post about the abhuman is absolutely right. its part of the "armies in 6th edition" presentation. right next to it is chris peachs imperial army where he used imperial pistoliers parts etc from warhammer to create a pretty cool imperial guard army! look forward to those ones! feathers and old-school helmets!

the appendix of the rulebook covers abhumans and the...

Третий тизер к 6-й редакции.

Та самая табличка союзников. Сайт ГВ!


Часть батл-репорта проведенного по правилам 6-й редакции.

Читаем, наслаждаемся.

Слухи льются рекой! описания психосил и чутка по механике

HQ's can challenge in single combat,

Jump packs get to re-roll charge rolls, Jet packs get to "scoot" up to 2D6" away in the assault phase,

Rage is +2 attacks on the charge

Dreadnoughts have 3 Hull points, Soul grinder, Ghost Arks and Land raiders have 4,

Land Speeders get Jink for a +5 cover save or 4+ if flat out,

There's a pic of a Beastman Imperial Guardsman "A type of abhuman designated Homo Sapien varatius in the rulebook's appendix,

Snipers can select targets if they roll a 6 to hit,

Gauss weapons remove a hull point on a hit of a 6, tesla works with the overwatch (needing 6's to hit at BS1) nicely (any sixes to hit are 2 hits),

Some Psychic powers marked as number 6 on what I would assume is a random table (looking at a picture of the cards all fanned out, can only see the top card)

Discipline of Biomancy - Haemorrage, warp charge 1, range 12". Haemorrage is a Focused witchfire power with a range of 12". The Target must pass a toughness test or suffer a wound with no armour saves or cover saves allowed. If the target is slain randomly select another model (friend or foe) within 2" of him. That model must pass a toughness test or suffer a wound with no armour or cover saves allowed. If that model dies, continue the process until a model survives or there are no suitable targets within range.

Discipline of Divination - Scrier's Gaze, Warp charge 1. Scrier's Gaze is a Blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, you can roll 3 dice and choose the result you want when rolling for reserves, outflank or mysterious terrain.

Discipline of Pyromancy - Molten Beam, warp charge 2, range 12". Molten beam is a Beam with the following profile - S8 AP1 Assault, melta

Discipline of Telekinesis - Vortex of Doom, warp charge 2, range 12". Vortex of doom is a Witchfire power with the following profile - S10 AP1, Heavy1, Blast* *If the psychic test is failed centre the template on the psyker, it does not scatter.

Discipline of Telepathy - Hallucination, warp charge 2, range 24". Hallucination is a Malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 24". Roll immediately to determine the manner of hallucinations the target is suffering from (roll once for the whole unit)
d6 1-2 - Unit is pinned, unless it automatically passes pinning tests or is locked in close combat, in which case there is no effect.
3-4 - The unit cannot shoot, run, declare charges or strike blows in close combat whilst the power is in effect.
5-6 - Every Model in the unit immediately inflicts a single hit on it's own unit, resolved at that models own strengths, but using the strength bonuses, AP values and special rules of the most powerful close combat weapons (if they have any)

вторник, 19 июня 2012 г.

Интересная переписка, читаем, наслаждаемся.

10:35:09] <source> Ok
[10:35:13] <source> so GW is spoilin 6E
[10:35:15] <source> over the phone
[10:35:23] <source> allies chart is in for sure, a matrix
[10:40:13] <source> you need 1 HQ 2 Troop of your own army
[10:40:26] <source> then you can ally, need 1 HQ 1 Troop of that army
[10:40:31] <source> then may take other slots
[10:45:49] <source> it's still move shoot assault
[10:46:01] <source> "snapshop" = stand and shoot for an assaulted unit
[10:46:20] <source> BS1
[10:46:58] <source> no template or blast
[10:47:32] <source> someone gimme a BoLS link so I can confirm/deny ****
[10:48:04] <source> "schools of psychic powers"
[10:48:11] <source> not sure if its random though
[10:50:44] <source> these psychic powers are IN ADDITION to your codex powers
[10:51:11] <source> so you don't lose any of the powers in a current codex
[10:52:25] <source> premeasure all the time
[10:52:40] <source> random charges 2d6 for foot, 3d6 drop lowest for jump pack troops
[10:53:05] <source> jump pack troops get "hammer of wrath" = impact hits, 1 A @ I 10, normwal weapon normal attack
[10:53:35] <source> for jump packs, not sure about wings, maybe
[10:53:41] <source> he only got to look at the book for an hour
[10:53:46] <source> to "pick topics for customers"
[11:00:13] <source> 6 missions, and 3 deployment zones
[11:00:23] <source> primary and 3 secondary objectives
[11:00:28] <source> vps for objectives
[11:00:35] <chip> source
[11:00:37] <chip> you have the book?
[11:00:45] <chip> oh, over the phone
[11:00:48] <source> yeh
[11:01:02] <source> "first blood" = 2nd objective
[11:01:09] <source> worth 1 vp
[11:01:37] <source> any questions chip?
[11:01:42] <source> I got him for like 10 mins more maybe ;p
[11:01:50] <chip> can special characters be brought as allies
[11:02:07] <source> he didn't see any limit on it no
[11:02:25] <source> no more dawn of war, no more spearhead
[11:02:41] <source> one is like triangles
[11:02:44] <source> cleanse 2?
[11:02:47] <chip> vehicle damage chart info?
[11:03:13] <source> as in?
[11:03:27] <chip> 1's stacking to destroyed? hull points?
[11:03:30] <chip> either/or/and
[11:04:20] <source> short edge to short edge deployment type
[11:04:21] <source> lol
[11:04:52] <chip> no ****ing way
[11:05:13] <chip> Can you get info about different CCW AP values
[11:05:20] <source> he didn't look at that
[11:05:26] <source> I did ask, there is somethin about CCWs
[11:05:37] <source> power weapon is AP2
[11:06:35] <chip> You sure about that? Pretty confident people said AP3
[11:07:45] <source> there is a hull point systemm, damage chart changed
[11:08:03] <source> 1-2 shaked 3 = stuned 4 = weapon destroyed 5 = wrecked 6 = kablam
[11:08:25] <source> he didnt seen an immobile on the chart
[11:08:42] <source> he just "Saw that it said AP2, not sure what it was about"
[11:09:20] <chip> oh crazy
[11:10:05] <source> terrain is a part of the FoC
[11:10:13] <source> aegis defense line 50pts
[11:10:27] <source> cover is 5+
[11:11:18] <chip> wow
[11:11:21] <chip> thats way cheaper than i thought
[11:11:39] <chip> any example psychic powers?
11:12:31] <source> nope
[11:12:42] <source> "fortifcation FOC slot"
[11:13:09] <source> 1 per game
[11:14:38] <chip> so no tables full of terrain
[11:15:57] <source> err sorry 1 per player per game
[11:16:25] <source> rapid fire is half range not 12"
[11:17:47] <chip> oh interesting
[11:17:51] <source> rapid fire isnt limited by movement
[11:17:52] <chip> but aren't rapid fire guns 24"
[11:17:55] <chip> so half range is 12"
[11:18:09] <source> snapshot is also for HWs that have moved
[11:18:52] <chip> wait, so you can fire a krak missile as a snapshot?
[11:19:06] <source> yes
[11:19:10] <source> BS1
[11:19:22] <source> heavy bolter that moves = 3 shots at BS1
[11:20:54] <chip> thats insane

Фотки рульбука 6-ки и всякие интересности

Таблица школ психосил
Аксессуары, сотни их!
Начинка коллекционных изданий
Фотка хардкавера рульбука
 Text from the add for the Collector's Edition:
When the officers of the Imperial Guard pray to the Emperor for salvation, it is for the intervention of his Angels of Death that they beseech him. The Warhammer 40,000 Collector's Edition represents a sacred artifact, a reliquary of the Space Marines over which they invoke the Emperor's divine blessing. Its leatherette exterior features a debossed design of an iron halo and Imperial aquila. Two panels open either side to reveal four gold gilt embossed arched faces, within which are depicted four great heroes of the Space Marines. A secret panel pops open at the top of the reliquary, revealing access to a premium edition of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. The pages of this hardback rulebook are made from the very highest quality parchment paper, making it an even greater tome to possess. The Warhammer 40,000 Collector's Edition is strictly limited to 4000 individually numbered copies worldwide, so don't miss out on this great opportunity to own a genuine artefact from the 41'st Millenium.

Text from the Gamer's Edition:
The Warhammer 40,000 gamer's Edition represents a Munitorium Officer's kit as if it came straight out of the 41'st Millenium . The Gamer's Edition bundle consists of a versitile brown leatherette singal satchel, a Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, and a limited edition set of 12 red Munitorium Dice that are only available in this set and come with a power pack tin. The satchel is large enough to carry the rulebook along with any accompanying Codexes and Munitorium Templates, but also features three internal pouches. each designed to fit a Lasgun power pack tin. Two 4mm thick metal pin badges are also included (one representing the Imperial Aquila and the other the eight-pointed Chaos star), one of which can be fitted above the satchel's wooden toggle so that you may proudly declare your allegiance for or against the Emperor. The Warhammer 40,000 Gamer's Edition is only available to order from the website and is strictly limited in numbers, so don't miss out.

Пачка слухов от души с Варморжа

- Hull Points are in, it is stated that Ghost Arks, Land Raiders, and Defilers each have 4 Hull Points apiece. Necrons have the ability to strip hull points for each roll of a 6 to penetrate/glance vehicles, making rapid-firing gauss weaponry very powerful at removing armour.

- Speaking of rapid fire, you can indeed move and fire once up to the full range of the weapon (it is explicitly stated that Fire Warriors can fire their weapons up to 30" away), no confirmation on the 3x fire for Relentless at half range though.

- Assault moves are indeed 2d6", but added together. Units equipped with jump packs can re-roll the dice to see how far they charge.

- The Rage USR gives you +2 attacks on the charge

- All flying monstrous creatures have the ability to fly 24", doing something called a "Vector Strike", which is a certain amount of automatic hits to a unit they fly over, at the base strength of the creature.

- Monstrous creatures' attacks are explicitly AP 2

- Every army must select a "Warlord" or single general to lead the army, this leader gets an ability. They can choose between three different types of abilities, "Personal", "Inspirational" or "Strategic". They then roll on one of those charts to see what ability it is. The two examples given were a Grand Master giving all friendlies within 12" his Ld of 10 (Inspirational), and a Chaos Lord being a scoring unit (Personal, the ability itself was called "Immovable Object")

- Flyers are a specific type of unit, and it is somewhat unclear as to the rules for shooting at them. Either all units require a 6 to hit them (unless they have a special rule called Skyfire), or this is still the case but only if those flyers move flat-out. Monstrous creatures with the ability to Fly also get this "6-to-hit" rule.

- You have the ability to buy different terrain (it even has its own slot on the new FOC), e.g, you can buy a Bastion with a Quad-Gun (which has the aforementioned Skyfire USR). There seem to be quite a few options for what terrain you can buy, but naturally most of them are typically represented by terrain kits GW sells.

- Now we're on the topic of the FOC, the rules for allies weren't laid out specifically, but it is heavily implied that its not the same as in WHFB. They refer to allied units as "Detachments", and there is an example of a player with a Chaos Space Marine force having some detachments of Chaos Daemons in his army. Basically, I was given the impression that it is far more common (and frequent) for a detachment from another 40k army to join a larger one, than it is for a Fantasy army to have Allies. Think more along the lines of the Storm of Magic rules for using TK, VC, or Daemons.

- Here's a biggie: Units -can- go on Overwatch, giving them the ability to fire upon an enemy unit which charges them, but at BS 1. Eldar (and any other army with access to the Clairvoyance psychic power set) can use a psychic power to give a unit the ability to fire at their usual BS.

- Monstrous Creatures have access to a special "Smash" attack, allowing them to halve their attacks, but double their strength. It mentions that this gives them the ability to destroy tanks more easily.

- It's somewhat hinted that AP will have some kind of affect against vehicles. This is because part of the Munitorum dice set includes vehicle damage dice. It specifies that some of the dice are "AP 1, AP 2, and AP 3 Damage dice", or something to that effect.

- 4 Disciplines of Psychic powers, basically what we were thinking in terms of Clairvoyance, Biomancy, etc etc. There's a chart near the back of the WD detailing which (if any) psychic disciplines a particular army gains access to. It's interesting to see that a large amount of armies don't have access to any at all.

понедельник, 18 июня 2012 г.

Цены на ближайшие релизы

Warhammer 40,000: Rulebook (English) 440pp Hardback Book July 23-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 $74.25
Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Templates 3 x Templates July 23-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 $19.75
Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Tape Measure Servo Skull Tape Measure July 23-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 $16.50
Warhammer 40,000: Psychic Powers (English) 32 Cards, Leaflet, Box July 23-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 $13.25
Tanglewire TBC July - 7-Jul-12 7-Jul-12 $10.00
Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Dice 12 Dice, 6 Dice Holders, Tin July 21-Jul-12 28-Jul-12 28-Jul-12 $16.50
Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Battlefield Objectives 12 Dice, 6 Dice Holders, Tin July 21-Jul-12 28-Jul-12 28-Jul-12 $16.50
Warhammer 40,000 Munitorum Vehicle Markers 12 Dice, 6 Dice Holders, Tin July 21-Jul-12 28-Jul-12 28-Jul-12 $16.50
Orikan the Diviner 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 $19.25
Anrakyr the Traveller 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 $19.25
Warhammer 40,000: Gamers' Edition (English) Rulebook, Dice Set, Satchel July 23-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 - $123.75
Warhammer 40,000: Collectors' Edition Rulebook (English) Rulebook July 23-Jun-12 30-Jun-12 - $132.00
Servitors with Multi-melta 2 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $16.50
Servitors with Plasma Cannon 2 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $16.50
Broadside Battlesuit Upgrade Pack 10 Piece Pack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $14.75
Commander Shadowsun 1 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $40.00
Crisis Battlesuit Commander Upgrade Pack 9 Piece Pack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $13.25
Tau Empire Pathfinders 3 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.75
Tau EmpirYe Kroot Hounds 4 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $24.75
Tau Empire Pathfinders with Rail Rifles 3 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.75
Tau Empire Vespid Stingwings 5 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $45.00
Tau Empire Krootox 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $24.75
Tau Empire Shield Drone Upgrade Pack 8 Piece Set July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $13.25
Tau Empire XV15 Stealth Armour 3 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.75
Aun'Va, Master of the Undying Spirit 3 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $40.00
Tau Empire XV15 Shas'Ui 2 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.75
Tau Ethereal 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $16.00
Ork Meganob with Kombi Shoota-Skorcha 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $22.25
Ork Meganob with Kombi Shoota-Rokkit Launcha 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $22.25
Ork Kommandos 5 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $45.00
Boss Snikrot 1 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $22.25
Ork Flash Git with Targeting Squig 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.25
Ork Big Gun (Zzap Gun) 3 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $29.75
Ork Nob with Waaagh! Banner 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $22.25
Mad Dok Grotsnik 1 Fi Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.25
Kaptin Badrukk 1 Fig Box July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $22.25
Ork Big Gun (Kannon) 3 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $29.75
Thieving Grots 6 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $19.75
Ork Big Gun (Lobba) 3 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $29.75
Vindicare Assassin with Exitus Rifle 1 Fig Clampack July 14-Jul-12 21-Jul-12 - $16.00
Arco-flagellants 3 Fig Clampack
Vindicare Assassin with Exitus Pistol
Callidus Assassin 1
Eversor Assassin with Executioner Pistol
Death Cult Assassins
Jokaero Weaponsmith
Crusaders 2 Fig Clampack
Grey Knights Brother Captain 1 Fig Clampack
Inquisitor with Inferno Pistol & Power Sword
Inquisitor with Power Sword and Bolt Pistol
Grey Knight with Psycannon
Grey Knight Brotherhood Champion
Dark Eldar Razorwing Flock
Dark Eldar Prisoners
Dark Eldar Beastmaster
Dark Eldar Clawed Fiend
Drazhar 1 Fig Clampack

Второй тизер к 6 редакции.

Второй тизер к 6 редакции, смотрим, пускаем слюни.

Нашел интересный ростер на Апокалипсис, полная рота Харальда.

Много тандервульфов, очень много.

Harald Deathwolf Greate Company

1 Wolf Lord (HQ) @ 270 Pts
     Frost Axe; Storm Shield; Runic Armour; Thunderwolf Mount; Wolf Tail
     Talisman; Wolftooth Necklace; Saga of the Wolfkin

     2 Fenrissian Wolves @ [20] Pts

1 Canis Wolfborn (HQ) @ 205 Pts

     2 Fenrissian Wolves @ [20] Pts

1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (HQ) @ 225 Pts
     Frost Blade; Storm Shield; Runic Armour; Thunderwolf Mount; Wolf Tail
     Talisman; Wolftooth Necklace

     2 Fenrissian Wolves @ [20] Pts

1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (HQ) @ 220 Pts
     Storm Shield; Thunder Hammer (x1); Thunderwolf Mount; Wolf Tail Talisman;
     Wolftooth Necklace; Saga of the Beastslayer

     2 Fenrissian Wolves @ [20] Pts

1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (HQ) @ 245 Pts
     Wolf Claw (x2); Runic Armour; Thunderwolf Mount; Wolf Tail Talisman;
     Wolftooth Necklace; Saga of the Warrior Born

     2 Fenrissian Wolves @ [20] Pts

5 Thunderfolf Cavalry (Fast Attack) @ 380 Pts
     Bolt Pistols; Thunder Hammer; Storm Shield (x3); Melta Bombs (x2)

5 Thunderfolf Cavalry (Fast Attack) @ 380 Pts
     Bolt Pistols; Thunder Hammer; Storm Shield (x3); Melta Bombs (x2)

5 Thunderfolf Cavalry (Fast Attack) @ 380 Pts
     Bolt Pistols; Thunder Hammer; Storm Shield (x3); Melta Bombs (x2)

5 Thunderfolf Cavalry (Fast Attack) @ 380 Pts
     Bolt Pistols; Thunder Hammer; Storm Shield (x3); Melta Bombs (x2)

5 Thunderfolf Cavalry (Fast Attack) @ 380 Pts
     Bolt Pistols; Thunder Hammer; Storm Shield (x3); Melta Bombs (x2)

10 Fenrissian Wolf Pack (Troops) @ 96 Pts

     1 Cyberwolf @ [16] Pts

10 Fenrissian Wolf Pack (Troops) @ 96 Pts

     1 Cyberwolf @ [16] Pts

10 Fenrissian Wolf Pack (Troops) @ 96 Pts

     1 Cyberwolf @ [16] Pts

10 Fenrissian Wolf Pack (Troops) @ 96 Pts

     1 Cyberwolf @ [16] Pts

10 Grey Hunters Pack (Troops) @ 245 Pts
     Power Fist; Plasma Gun (x2); Wolf Standard; Mark of the Wulfen

     1 Rhino @ [35] Pts

10 Grey Hunters Pack (Troops) @ 235 Pts
     Power Fist; Flamer (x1); Meltagun (x1); Wolf Standard; Mark of the Wulfen

     1 Rhino @ [35] Pts

10 Grey Hunters Pack (Troops) @ 225 Pts
     Power Weapon; Flamer (x1); Meltagun (x1); Wolf Standard; Mark of the

     1 Rhino @ [35] Pts

10 Grey Hunters Pack (Troops) @ 225 Pts
     Power Weapon; Flamer (x1); Meltagun (x1); Wolf Standard; Mark of the

     1 Rhino @ [35] Pts

15 Blood Claws Pack (Troops) @ 260 Pts
     Plasma Pistol; Power Weapon; Meltagun (x2)

15 Blood Claws Pack (Troops) @ 260 Pts
     Plasma Pistol; Power Weapon; Meltagun (x2)

4 Wolf Guard Pack (Elites) @ 172 Pts
     Power Fist (x4); Combi-melta (x4)

1 Land Raider Crusader (Heavy Support) @ 260 Pts
     Pintle-mounted Multi-melta

1 Land Raider Crusader (Heavy Support) @ 260 Pts
     Pintle-mounted Multi-melta

5 Long Fangs (Heavy Support) @ 180 Pts
     Missile Launcher (x5)

     1 Squad Leader @ [15] Pts
          Bolt Pistol; CC Weapon

     1 Razorback @ [40] Pts
          Twin Heavy Bolter

5 Long Fangs (Heavy Support) @ 220 Pts
     Lascannon (x2); Missile Launcher (x2); Plasma Cannon (x1)

     1 Squad Leader @ [15] Pts
          Bolt Pistol; CC Weapon

     1 Razorback @ [40] Pts
          Twin Heavy Bolter

5 Long Fangs (Heavy Support) @ 210 Pts
     Lascannon (x2); Missile Launcher (x3)

     1 Squad Leader @ [15] Pts
          Bolt Pistol; CC Weapon

     1 Razorback @ [40] Pts
          Twin Heavy Bolter

1 Predator (Heavy Support) @ 170 Pts
     Twin Lascannon; Sponson Lascannons (x2); Dozer Blade

1 Vindicator (Heavy Support) @ 125 Pts
     Siege Shield

1 Vindicator (Heavy Support) @ 125 Pts
     Siege Shield

7 Wolf Scouts Pack (Elites) @ 195 Pts
     Power Weapon (x2); Bolt Pistols; CC Weapons; Meltagun; Melta Bombs; Mark
     of the Wulfen

7 Wolf Scouts Pack (Elites) @ 195 Pts
     Power Weapon (x2); Bolt Pistols; CC Weapons; Meltagun; Melta Bombs; Mark
     of the Wulfen

Models in Army: 202

Total Army Cost: 7011